Precautions for using cement brick machines:
1: When installing or replacing new or old molds, it is necessary to avoid collisions and collisions, assemble them in a civilized manner, and pay attention to protecting the molds;
2: Regularly check the size of the mold and the condition of the welding joint during use. If there are weld cracks, they should be repaired in a timely manner. If there is excessive wear, the aggregate size should be adjusted quickly. If excessive wear affects the quality of the product, a new mold should be installed;
3: Carefully adjust the clearance, including the clearance between the pressure head and the mold core, the movement plane between the pressure head and the material car, and the distance between the mold frame and the wire plate. The relative movement should not interfere or collide;
4: During daily mold cleaning, use an air compressor and soft tools to remove concrete residue. It is strictly prohibited to strike or pry the mold by gravity;
5: The replaced mold should be cleaned and coated with oil to prevent rust. It should be placed in a dry and flat place with a cushion to prevent gravity deformation.
6: Cleaning, we thought it would be troublesome to clean many bulky equipment. It is also incorrect to assume that the equipment hardly needs to be cleaned due to its bulkiness. The equipment does not need to be cleaned, it depends on the working conditions. When humans work in very dirty environments, they still need to take a shower every day, and the equipment is the same. After the production of the cement brick machine is completed, it is necessary to clean the mold, pump station, and distribution cabinet every day.
7: Before production every day, please check all parts of the cement brick machine, such as the tightness of screws, the tightness of motor belts, and the connection of various welding gaps, in all details.
8: Let me emphasize that molds are important production components for our company, but they are easily worn parts, although all molds produced by our company have undergone heat treatment. But please clean the mold carefully after production every day, as this can extend the lifespan of the mold. The replaced mold should be cleaned and stored with oil to ensure the next replacement.
(Article source: Online)