Industry Standard of Hongyi Brick Machine-Concrete Hollow Brick
Specification for Construction Method of Concrete Hollow Brick
(1) Construction preparation:
1. Construction data of concrete hollow brick:
(1) Bricks: The types and strength grades of bricks must meet the design requirements, and the specifications should be different, with factory qualification certificates and test sheets.
(2) Cement: Types and labels should be selected according to the location of masonry and the environment. No. 325 ordinary Portland cement or slag Portland cement should be generally used. It should be qualified certificate, license and experimental report before it can be used. Different kinds of cement should not be mixed.
(3) Sand: Medium sand should be used. When the strength grade of cement mortar or cement mixed mortar is equal to or greater than M7.5, the mud content of sand should not exceed 5%; when the strength grade is less than M5, the mud content of sand should not exceed 10%.
(4) Water: Clean water without harmful substances should be used.
(5) Admixture:
1) Limestone: The maturation time is not less than 7 days. It is strictly forbidden to use dehydrated and hardened limestone.
2) Other admixtures: calcium gypsum, fly ash and other admixtures should be determined by laboratory experiments.
(6) Other information: tied steel bars, embedded parts, wood bricks, waterproof powder, etc. shall meet the design requirements.
(2) Operating technology:
1. Mixing mortar:
Mortar is mixed mechanically, loaded by trolley and weighed by pound. Data transportation mainly uses derrick for vertical transportation and manual trolley for degree transportation.
(1) According to the mortar mix proportion provided by the experiment, the proportioning accuracy of cement is controlled within +/-2%, and that of sand and lime gypsum is controlled within +/-5%.
(2) Mortar should be mechanically mixed. The first step of feeding should be sand, cement and admixture before adding water. The time should not be less than 1.5 minutes from the end of feeding.
(3) Mortar should be used with mixing. Cement slurry and cement mixed mortar must be used within 3 hours and 4 hours after mixing respectively.
2. Construction methods:
(1) Brick wall masonry should be built in staggered joints, inside and outside, with straight grey joints and full mortar. The thickness and width of vertical grey joints should be 10 mm, but not less than 8 mm, nor more than 12 mm.
(2) The corner and junction of brick wall should be built at the same time, all filling walls should be overlapped by staggered joints. All filling walls should be set up with 2_6@600 long tie bars along the wall height at the joints, corners and joints with concrete wall. For adjacent joints that cannot be built at the same time and must be retained, inclined tendons should be built and reinforced. The number of tie bars should be placed with a 6 mm diameter steel bar per 12 cm wall thickness, and the spacing should be along the wall height. No more than 50 cm. The length of embedding should be calculated from the retaining point of the wall. Each side should not be less than 50 cm, and the end should have 90. crooked hooks.
Note: The temporary continuity of buildings in seismic fortification areas shall not be left in a straightforward position.
(3) The top of partition wall and filling wall is compacted with side brick or vertical brick at the contact point with the upper structure.
3. Brick wall masonry:
Construction Sequence: Elastic planar line inspection column, wall retained linking bars left behind must be completed masonry device or cast-in-situ door and window beams top masonry.
(1) Brick row bottom (dry pendulum brick type): When the first leather brick of ordinary exterior wall is left at the bottom, the horizontal wall should be lined with bricks, and the front and rear longitudinal walls should be lined with bricks. According to the pop-up ink lines of windows and doors, check whether the length and size of the wall between doors and windows and the wall with wall columns (stacks) fit the brick row module. If not, think about the plan of cutting bricks and discharging bricks. Cut bricks or bricks should be arranged in the middle of the window, beside or beside the wall columns (stacks stacks). He has no obvious part.
(2) Brick selection: Bricks with uniform edges and corners, no bending cracks and fundamentally different specifications are selected.
(3) Pan Angle: Before building a wall, the angle of the brick wall built at each pan angle should not exceed five skin, and the suspension should be stopped in time, such as finding deviation and timely repairing. When pan angle is built, the brick layer and elevation of the links should be carefully compared, and the size of the grey joints should be controlled to make the average difference of the degree of the grey joints. After each pan angle is built, the wall can be hung only after checking, flattening and vertical and complete fit request.
(4) Hanging line: If one brick is thick or below, one side hanging line should be used; if one brick is half thick or above, two layers of hanging line must be used. If several long walls are built at the same time and share a common line, several branch lines should be set in the middle; small lines should be tightened and straightened, and each skin brick should be pierced to make the degree seams evenly divergent and smooth.
(5) Brick-laying: It is advisable to adopt extrusion or Trinity brick-laying method. The main points of Trinity brick-laying method are a shovel of ash, a brick, a squeeze and kneading, and scraping the extruded mortar away at will. Bricks should be level and follow the line in operation. In the course of masonry operation, the travelling and disorderly joints should be controlled in segments. Often stop self-inspection, if any deviation is found, it should be corrected at any time, and brick-impact correction should be strictly prohibited afterwards. Gray stains on brick walls overflowing with slurry are scraped off.
(6) Pre-embedding of wood bricks: wooden bricks should be treated with anticorrosion. When pre-embedding, the small ones are outside and the big ones are inside, the number of which is determined by the height of the opening; if the height of the opening is less than 1.2m, two pieces are placed on each side and four pieces are placed on each side at the height of 2-3m. The pre-embedding parts of wood bricks are usually located at the beginning of the opening of the four different bricks, with an average distribution in the middle. Request.
(7) When the entrance of the door and window is L0 < 800, the reinforced brick is used to cross the beam. When L0g800, the prefabricated reinforced concrete is used to cross the beam, and the supporting length on the brick wall is not less than 240. When the supporting length is insufficient, the beam should be directly connected with the column and the wall. When there is no brick pier at the side of the door and window, the concrete wall, the iron piece or the insertion bar at the corresponding position of the top of the hole is used to weld the steel bar in the beam.
The elevation, position and type of the foundation must meet the requirements of the design drawings, and the slurry setting should be full. If the slurry setting thickness exceeds 200 mm, the fine stone concrete should be used to pave the foundation, and the supporting lengths at both ends of the beam should be different.
Suggestion &